Embracing the Wisened Woman Ceremonies
The wisening of a woman is a rite of passage that invokes spiritual reflection, brings dignity to transition and promises a collection of gathered wisdom. For some women this is the point at which they reach a crossroads, a turning point or a realisation of fundamental change within.
The Wisened Woman
Reclaiming your wild soul
Embracing the Wisened Woman Ceremonies (also known as Croning ceremonies)
All over the world, different forms of ceremony are used to mark and honour the most important stages of our lives. We take great care and time in marking so many of the other important stages of life, yet the wisening of a woman, the point at which her knowledge and energy shifts to a new place of understanding, be that through divorce, children becoming adults, the journey into menopause or the shift in mind set to a new and broader understanding of how we fit into the world, we tend to shy away from any celebration or marking of the transition.
In many cultures throughout history the older women is seen and depicted as a vessel of wisdom and wonder. She is revered and celebrated and given a great deal of respect. She is recognised for her life learning and her understanding of the feminine. She is looked upon with like a fine wine that gets better and changing and increasing the depth of its flavours ad hue with time and age.
This wisening of a woman is a rite of passage that invokes spiritual reflection, brings dignity to transition and promises a collection of gathered wisdom. For some women this is the point at which they reach a crossroads, a turning point or a realisation of fundamental change within.
It is the time that they step back, take stock and re-evaluate. They can see things for what they truly are. It is the bringing to an end the previous chapters of their story, whether it is liberating and freeing, or just simply unpleasant and in need of closure. At this time some women feel the need and the desire to mark the point in time they have reached. A changing or awakening and an opportunity to move through and out of past ways, feelings, hurts and ties.
How a person marks this point is a personal choice that is dependent on many factors. Some will mark it through one-to-one sessions and a deeply personal form of ceremony. Others will work to create something meaningful and momentous that gives a sense of crossing into the new and is accepting and embracing of all that comes with that. And some will plan an extravagant reckoning for all to bear witness to! An opportunity to celebrate, toast, laugh and cry and vow for the future.
Divorce can also be a time of moving on and moving forward. It can be a time of deep reflection, self-awareness and understanding and the chance to pivot or evolve into a new state of being. However, for some it can be a time of great sorrow and loss that brings overwhelming feelings of sadness, confusion and a complete loss of direction.
Sexuality is also an important component of this stage. Some women might be looking to move away from the importance of sexual relationships in their lives, while others may be looking to not only strengthen this aspect, but to move towards a new and reinvigorated sexuality.
Regardless of how you have come to this new place, there is value, significance and importance in honouring the stage you have arrived at.
Wisening Packages include
3 individual planning/coaching sessions (1hr) to work through the transition into a Wizened Woman and what that means for you as an individual. 1 final event - whatever that may be!
Session Plan
Session 1. What has led to this moment and brought about the current situation? We talk through the milestones, the happiness and the hurt and where you’re at now.
Session 2. What are the most important parts? How will they be acknowledged and ritually marked? We begin the process of working through the ideas to get clarity about their meaning and significance.
Session 3. Planning the wizening. What will it look like and who will be there? Will it be personal or shared? A celebration or a moving through? This is where we plan the ceremony. We look at locations, guests, the logistics and complete our planning documents.
The event – deeply personal or wildly exuberant, it’s your story to mark.
The Event
Celebrations: A celebratory ceremony might be had as a deeply personal and intimate ceremony or a wider group of friends. It may include raising a glass to the good and the bad, the long and the short and the road taken to reach this new place. It might include a speech or a ritual that represents the leaving behind of the old and the embracing of the new. It might also include an intention-setting element with goals and dreams for the coming phase.
Soul Releasing: A Soul Releasing ceremony might be had with a group of friends, or just be a personal ceremonial release with you and the celebrant. It can be focussed on the moving through and healing aspects of divorce. The need to move through the loss of what was, in order to get to the, what could be, is a powerful motivator. These ceremonies may include rituals and personally written words of reflection and release.
Location & Time: Daytime, night time or at 3am to align with the moon, we can create the right ceremony for you. Not sure of the location? It’s up to you. If your flow is felt by the water, then we can be by the beach, or if the forest is where your creativity and vibrance come to life, we can find the perfect spot amongst the trees with our feet to the earth.