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Divorce Ceremonies

Finalising a divorce can bring many mixed emotions. For some it's a time to celebrate and embrace new freedoms, new and exciting plans and look to the future. but for others that time is filled with grief, heartache and sadness.

Whatever the outcome, I can help.

Divorce Ceremonies

Reclaiming your wild soul

As a society we embrace so many milestones in out lives, but only up to a certain point. Meeting someone, getting engaged, buying a house and having children are all met with congratulations and interest, but when we hit harder times there is a tendency to keep it inside, quiet and push the world out.


What's important though, is feeling a sense of forward motion. We need to be able to see that in spite of the hardships we've been dealt, there's light at the end of the tunnel and honouring that process can help to move through it.


Divorce can be a time of moving on and moving forward. It can be a time of deep reflection, self-awareness and understanding and the chance to pivot or evolve into a new state of being. However, for some it can be a time of great sorrow and loss that brings overwhelming feelings of sadness, confusion and a complete loss of direction.


There are different ways we can approach these times and move through them. If you're looking to have a celebration with friends to mark the new beginning you are about to launch into, we can structure something around those new insights and dreams. But if you're looking to heal and move through the heartache, we can sit down together and plan ways to help you in the stages you will need support through


Regardless of why you have come to this new place, there is value, significance and importance in honouring the stage you have arrived at.



Divorce Ceremony Packages include


An individual planning/coaching sessions (1hr) to work through your specific situation and get some understnading of where you see yourself and the event/ceremony. 


 1 event/ceremony - whatever that may be!


Session Plan


Individual Session. What has led to this moment and brought about the current situation? We talk through the milestones, and where you’re at now and how you want to mark the occasion.


What are the most important parts? How will they be acknowledged and ritually marked? We begin the process of working through the ideas to get clarity about their meaning and significance.

Planning the ceremony. What will it look like and who will be there? Will it be personal or shared? A celebration or a moving through? This is where we plan the ceremony. We look at locations, guests, the logistics and complete our planning documents.

The event – deeply personal or wildly exuberant, it’s your story to mark.



The Event


Celebrations: A celebratory ceremony might be had as a deeply personal and intimate ceremony or a wider group of friends. It may include raising a glass to the good and the bad, the long and the short and the road taken to reach this new place. It might include a speech or a ritual that represents the leaving behind of the old and the embracing of the new. It might also include an intention-setting element with goals and dreams for the coming phase.


Soul Releasing: A Soul Releasing ceremony might be had with a group of friends, or just be a personal ceremonial release with you and the celebrant. It can be focussed on the moving through and healing aspects of divorce. The need to move through the loss of what was, in order to get to the, what could be, is a powerful motivator. These ceremonies may include rituals and personally written words of reflection and release.


Location & Time: Daytime, night time or at 3am to align with the moon, we can create the right ceremony for you.  Not sure of the location? It’s up to you. If your flow is felt by the water, then we can be by the beach, or if the forest is where your creativity and vibrance come to life, we can find the perfect spot amongst the trees with our feet to the earth.

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